Wednesday, 12-Feb-2025 00:04:40 PST

Welcome to soc.history.medieval's
Photo Gallery

To see the full sized picture, just click on the thumbnail photo.
Some of the participants have authorized a link to their websites. If the name shows a link, clink on it to be taken there.

Until we can get the upload script functional, if you wish to have your picture added to this page, click here Submit picture and in the subject put "[shm-pics] 'YOUR SUBJECT HERE'", then attach your pics (no more than two at a time), and in the body of the email put the name (and short description, if you wish) for each picture submitted. NOTE: Pictures submitted without this information will NOT be added to the gallery.

BMP and jpg (jpeg) formats are preferred for the pictures.

Example of submission email body
Picture# 1: xxyyzz.jpg Xxyyzz
  "That's me standing next to the next the entrance to the Oregon Caves"
Picture# 2: xxyyzz2.jpg Xxyyzz
  "My sister and me standing at Stamford Bridge, Yorkshire"

Thank you and enjoy the photo gallery.

M Dana
The Punstrel (M Dana)
MD and friend
Punstrel and friend?
D Pugh
David C. Pugh
K Marzullo
Keith Marzullo
CA Candy
C.A. Candy
Erilar and companion
Erilar and Gretl
Erilar w/harp
Erilar with harp

Drew Nicholson
Drew Nicholson and <G> friend?
Eve at Home
Eve at home
E Lee
Eve, at the Tower of London

William Black as an archer
William Black, as an archer
Soren Larsen
Here's Soren Larsen with the newest addition to the fleet at the Viking Ship Museum in Roskild, DK

UN Sheila
Sheila at the Sarajevo Holiday Inn
Renia and Spouse
Renia and hubby at 4am after marathon 3-match Olympic tennis.
Mike, Summer 2000
King Charles II/Robert Plant look-a-like Contest: Florida 2002
Hiding out in Lisbon, Portugal 2003
Simon Pugh
Simon Pugh
(thumbnail image only)

David Read
David Read


Tiglath Take 2
"You talking to me?"

M Dana /
"The Miking has landed",
M Dana The Punstrel

Paul Gans #1
Paul Gans
Paul Gans #2
Paul Gans, take 2 <G>
Martin Reboul
Martin Reboul say's, "It's only a hobby..."
Martin Reboul and friend
Martin Reboul and Stinkywinky

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Created 5/22/2001 Moved 4/13/2004 Last updated 12/04/2004